September 25, 2017

So Long Summer Weekend - Lexa's Party

Party time!  While we were all together, Mandy threw a part for Alexa.
A Trolls themed party.

She had troll 'hair' attached to headbands for the kids to wear.  Owen wasn't so sure about it at first.

But then Great Grandpa showed him how he looked in a mirror.

From then on, he was convinced he looked fabulous! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Jake did too.  :)

Quite a few of the kids got in on the fun.

And we even wrangled them for a group photo.

Then they lit the candles and we sang to Alexa.

Time to dig in!

Cake for everyone.  And everyone is a lot of people when we're all together!

Owen got a slice of Troll cake.

He sat with cousin Izzie to eat it.  She gave him a quick lesson in manners and etiquette by showing him how to put your napkin in your lap.  ๐Ÿ’—

While everyone was around enjoying cake...

Alexa opened her gifts.

Yes, Owen finally got to give the correct Alexa her Princess Poppy Troll!!
(and seemed to understand just fine!)

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