August 22, 2017

Summing Up Summer 2017 - All in a Day

So, there was this one really busy day back in June...  
The first event was a Nerf War birthday party!

It was a hot day, but so worth it, these boys had a blast.

Derek took the boys to the party while I stayed home with Owen while he napped.  Derek got in on a few rounds...

They had to leave a little early though...  to get Cooper to his baseball game.

That's where Owen and I caught up with them.  After we watched Cooper's game, we had a picnic!  

Because we were going right from there to another baseball game.

The Peoria Chief's game!

This was a church event so a LOT of our friends were there.  And it was Faith & Family night so there was a concert and fireworks scheduled after the game.

Owen made the big screen when they played a Lion King song and everyone held up their babies like Simba...  😂😂😂

And Cooper scored a squishy Chief's baseball when they threw them out.

Owen also scored a bite of cotton candy every time he smiled at a friend from church sitting behind us!

And then it started raining...  pouring, actually!  Along with a lot of lightning and thunder!

And that was that!  They covered the field and soon called the game.  No concert or fireworks tonight!  But we kept our tickets so we could use them for another game of our choosing.

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