July 13, 2016

Secor Family Reunion 2016

We made it to the Secor Family Reunion just in time for lunch!

My kids didn't hang around and visit with my Grandpa and my Uncle Mark long at all.  It was all I could do to get them to eat a few bites of food...

Before they changed into swim trunks and jumped into the lake!

This is a relative's house that sits on a lake.  They have a nice little beach area.

And my big boys hardly exited the water all day. 

At some point Miles realized there were minnows in the shallow water.  He started catching them with his bare hands.  Then swimming was forgotten...

He spent the rest of the day creature catching!

Daddy let Owen put his toes in.

And he would have just gone on in.

Which made heading him off following him around the yard a bit of a task.

He would pause long enough with interest in something so that I could chat with anyone near.

There were also a few other babies very close to Owen's age.

The other boy baby was napping during this photo, but they all played together, or at least on the same blanket.

Derek took a kayak out for a spin, now he thinks we might need one.  Maybe if we lived nearer to water. Ha.

There was the 'rummage sale' and auction too.

This is how we pay for the reunion costs, and is what I made the tote bags for.

After a day at the reunion, we met Uncle Orv and Aunt Rita for dinner.  She's my great aunt on my G'ma's side, not the Secors.  (the Grays - Owen's namesake)

We went back to Aunt Rita's for dessert, where my boys roughed everyone up a bit.

And Owen ran more circles!

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