June 4, 2016

Binky Baby

Whoops.  Hey there.  I guess we've been enjoying summer so much that I've neglected the old blog.  That and Owen is down to one nap a day, which has hampered my productivity a bit.  I'm SO not complaining though, because he's been sleeping (mostly) all night!! (can you hear the celebration in my voice?!) We've done some sleep training and night weaning and he's handling it like a champ.  Well... with the assistance of a binky.  Or three.

I'm not even sure how it got started, but one day he ended up with three binkies in his bed at nap time.  He slept well and was very pleased with them when he woke up.

So the next time he napped, I let him have them again.  One in his mouth and one in each hand.

This continued, and since he was sleeping so good with them, why not?  He's not actually supposed to have a blanky/lovey in bed with him yet, though I do give it to him once in a while at nap time during the day.  But if he prefers binkies as a lovey, fine with me.

No matter how he falls asleep. :)

Once in a while he slips four binkies into the bed... or finds the ones we were missing from the nap before.

He's becoming a little high maintenance, sometimes sleeping with several binkies, a blanket and a bear.

But given the choice, just binkies is fine with him.

Except we keep losing binkies.  One day he found an old newborn size binky and was using it.

And in the same basket was his newborn hat, which his brothers put on him to see if it still fit.

When Owen needed binky replacements and was ready to move up a size, Grandma Debbie came to his aid.

A package arrived from Amazon for Owen.

He only likes Chicco brand pacifiers and I can't find them in stores.

No worries, Grandma and Amazon have Owen covered!

He tried put one in his mouth right away.

So I boiled half of them to use now, we'll save the other five for later.  You know, as we lose these. :-/

Owen has been cuddling his bear or blankie more often.  But he always has a binky... and another close by.

And is thrilled when I let him drag them around the house.

Cooper never took a binky, but you might remember that Miles kinda liked his too.

And sometimes carried them around as well.

Binky babies are happy babies... that's what I say!

1 comment:

  1. I agree - binky babies are happy babies and turn out to be good sleepers. Ryan was a binky baby. Megan not so much.

    Cute pics of Owen! He's getting so big!!
