April 8, 2016

Cub Scout Pinewood Derby

There was a lot of prep around our house getting cars ready for races!  Cooper's Cub Scout Pinewood Derby was the first on the calendar.  There was a build night at a Scout meeting, then the finishing touches were accomplished at home. 

Finally, Cooper's shark car was ready for the big day!
He proudly took it to be inspected, weighed and registered.

Once your car is inspected and ready, it's lined up with the other cars and no one is allowed to touch it until race time.  And this is a serious rule, DO NOT touch anyone else's car.  Ever.

We headed in to check out all the other races already going on.

The races were held youngest Scouts to oldest.  Cub Scouts starts with first grade, so there was only one group before Cooper.  It didn't take long before he was called up to get his car and put it on the track.

Then walk, NOT run, another serious rule, to the finish line.

A Scout Master pulls the lever, sending the cars racing.

There is a computerized system monitoring all the results, but sometimes it's easy to tell who the winner is.  Cooper's car won some and lost some... they were sent back and forth between tracks depending on the result.  They got to see their cars race a LOT this way, which was fun.

Miles was right behind the ropes, cheering on the shark car, in appropriate attire.

Owen had a good view from Daddy's shoulders.

But by the time the finals rolled around, he'd decided a nap was more interesting.

So he missed the trophy ceremony.

Cooper went home empty handed...

But had a great time and learned a lot.
We're proud of him!

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