January 25, 2016

CrossPoint Kids Christmas

Our kids sang up front in church the week before Christmas.

They didn't do a whole program this year, but sang well and did great with a few Christmas songs.

I've been helping with kids' worship time and helped lead them, so had a front row seat to take photos :).  Miles plays to the camera as you can see.  

Cooper ignored the camera as he was singing. 

This was about the time I noticed Miles had something in his hand.

The toy dragon he'd gotten from Christmas from Owen.  Haha.

Later his teacher said she told him before they went up that he shouldn't look at it while he was singing.  He said, "I accidentally took a little peek during a song.".   This boy.

He kept telling me that "Silent Night" made him sleepy...  seems appropriate.
Derek accompanied the preschoolers with is guitar, then shot video of the older kids.
So we have proof of Miles' fatigue and his dragon on stage. 

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