December 2, 2015

Grandma Neva

Derek's Grandma Neva, who was diagnosed with ALS about two months ago, passed away on November 15th.

We'll miss Grandma so much.  We always enjoyed trips to the farm when she hosted.  She could cook up a storm!

Grandma loved the babies!  Here she was meeting Cooper for the first time. 

Cooper was her first great grand baby. 

Grandma covered a baby's ear (Miles' here) when she rocked them.  She always slept with her ears covered, so didn't think a baby looked content until that little ear was covered.

Here Cooper and Miles are enjoying the Independence Day parade with G'pa Don and G'ma "Neenee".

Grandma met Owen when we went for Independence Day this year.

She also tried to help Cooper catch the farm cats and tried even harder to convince us to bring one home.  We didn't.

Independence Day always included snuggles from Great Grandma.

We were able to go visit Grandma after she had been diagnosed with ALS, could no longer swallow, and had decided against a feeding tube.  We had some sweet moments with her.  She couldn't talk but wrote notes, and said so much with her eyes.  

What a wonderful woman!  She raised three boys, with ages spaced almost the same as mine.  Her wisdom and advice will be missed.  We are thankful to know that we'll see her again in heaven... she prayed, confessed her sins and asked Jesus to save her, about a month before she died.  So we're even more thankful for Christ's love and forgiveness that gives us hope in our grief.

Grandma's Obituary: HERE