June 6, 2015

Away to Wichita

I previously mentioned sending my boys away for the week...  We had about two days notice before they left, so we did laundry and got packing.  Miles informed me in pretty short order that he was packed and ready.  He'd put all his most important toys in a bag and was convinced it would be all he needed!

I did manage to pack some clothes in a suitcase for them, along with toothbrushes, allergy meds and medical release forms...  you know, just in case. (I might be a paranoid person, but better safe than sorry!)

Early on the day of departure, we took the boys over to G'ma Pam's.  They had a few minutes to check out the new fish in her pond before it was time to load up.

And then we sent them on their way!  These boys really are good travelers and Pam later told me they did really well.  Hopefully their return trip goes as smoothly when they're worn out and possibly crabby from tons of fun!

I immediately went home and got started on my "To-Do" list.  :)
Really...  this was the day I planned out everything I wanted to get done while they were gone. :)

And soon, I was getting photographic evidence that my babies had made it safely to Grandma's house!

Where they wasted no.time.at.all.
They were over at Papa's pond fishing in no time!

They also got to meet their new cousin, Kyndall.

She is my brother and wife's first baby and was born just after we were there for Christmas.  It seems she likes Cooper... and I might be slightly jealous!  Thank goodness for technology so I can see her easily, although a 'digital version' of her, but I appreciate it!

There was a lot of time getting reacquainted with Alexa too!
Cooper loves the babies.

More to come on the boys' trip to Wichita!  They will arrive home tomorrow and have plenty of stories to go with all the pictures Grandma's have so nicely been sending to keep me informed of their activities!  Also, more to come on how Derek and I occupied our time while they were gone.  Spoiler Alert: We actually went to see a movie! :)

1 comment:

  1. Now you have photo evidence of how great the boys will be with the new baby! Cooper will be such a helper and I'm sure Miles will keep the baby entertained :)
