January 31, 2015

Snow Days

Some might call us crazy, but we're just a little disappointed in the lack of snowfall so far this winter. We got just a little one night, but it didn't amount to much.

We woke up to a little more one morning so it was time to bundle up!

And head out to help Daddy shovel the drive way. 

Because you know the boys are a big help with things like that.

Big help.

They decided to head to the back yard where Cooper gave Miles a lift onto the trampoline.

Then climbed on himself.

And they played in the snow on there for a while.

It was pretty cold though, so they enjoyed the snow for a bit...

Then headed inside for a breakfast of hot chocolate and oatmeal.

 We did get one more decent snow.

Which called for another pre-breakfast driveway shoveling.

But since the temperature was frigid, we spent more time inside that day.
...enjoying some favorite Christmas gifts.

In fact, the temperatures were so cold (wind chills of -30º) that the local schools cancelled.  When Cooper heard that, he asked if we had the day off too.  He was slightly bummed when I explained snow days are not a perk of homeschooling.  Hot chocolate while doing school is though! 

The weather warmed a bit so the boys got to go out again.  They decided to build a snowman. 

He was nice. 

But Daddy wanted to help them build a bigger one in the front yard.
So big that they had to use 2x4's to roll the body on top of the base. 

Miles did a little 'fishing' while the construction went on.

But definitely took credit when this huge guy was complete! 

Most of the snow has melted now, but there is still a remnant of this snowman in the front yard.
...and another snowstorm expected this weekend!

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