January 3, 2014

Merry Moments - Christmas Morning!

The long-anticipated-and-counted-down-to-day had arrived!
Christmas Morning!

We all listened to Dad/G'pa Dale read some scripture. 

Then the first gift the boys wanted to hand out was to Bella...

And Alby.

They weren't incredibly interested until Miles started opening it for them.

And Cooper was way more excited about the gift he'd picked for Alby than Alby was. :)

Speaking of excited...  it was the boy's turn to dig in.

They opened a gift from G'ma and G'pa.

And a couple from Aunts and Uncles. 

Then we all found our gifts for the sibling exchange and delivered them to their recipient. 

It was kind of a blur of fun after that.

The boys got some super fun toys they'd asked for.

We spent the rest of the morning playing (assembling) toys and playing with new games.

And eating goodies.

The boys eventually got dressed.  And then played some more.

And Mikiah was given this gift... almost forgotten.
She loved it!

We enjoyed a great meal.

While sipping vintage sodas.

There were video games played.
It's required to hang your mouth open while playing video games.

And some Uncle wrestling.

And some time spent just being together.
Derek and his Mama... 

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