November 13, 2013

Bigger Buck :::Disclaimer - Dead Animal Photos in This Post:::

Derek has been hunting any morning he gets the chance.
On Friday morning I got this picture on my phone.

Derek got this guy and waited for a few minutes, watched him drop and then apparently a monster buck walked by to check things out.  Ha.  Derek's taking the week off from hunting and then might go out after the "Big Buck". 

We don't care about bigger bucks around here.
...we were pretty impressed when Daddy brought this guy home.

The boys took turns checking it out.

Full Approval!

We didn't waste much time eating some either... sorry to anyone who is queasy about seeing your meat in the animal form before it's on your plate. HA.  He was delicious the next night in this recipe. Venison tenderloin wrapped in bacon and stuffed with cream cheese and jalapeños:

We're thrilled with the meat in the freezer!  But if he get the "bigger buck" we might be in the market for a chest freezer.  If you read this post after seeing the title, thanks for making it through, I didn't even post the butchering photos or Derek showing the boys how the heart works... it was great science! :)  And now you're wishing you hadn't read all the way to the end, huh?!

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