August 8, 2013

VBS Program

I realized as I'm writing this post that this video would have fit better with the last post.  I'm all kinds of out of practice with this blogging thing!  Oh well, here is a video Derek put together of the kids having fun at VBS:

The last night was the program the parents were invited to attend.
We got to watch the kids sing the songs they learned.

Cooper is fun to watch.

He loved singing and doing the actions.

And since I'm out of practice, there are two videos in one post.
This one is of the kids singing at the program:

After the kids sang, the leaders announced the winner/loser of the offering giving challenge. And that the money the kids gave was enough to buy 23 soccer balls for kids in Zambia!

Luke was the loser and the kids really got a kick out him getting a pie in the face.

And really liked it when he shared the pie with Daphne.

Especially our little friend, Hayden, since she's his Mom.  :)

After the program, we all got in on desserts.

In the form of cookies.

And a little more fun with friends to end a great week!

Funny boys and funny faces!

1 comment:

  1. Rouse comments:
    His pants are falling down!
    He looks so old.
    He can't remember the actions.
    I think he's doing a great job, better than everyone else!

    I have to admit, I laughed every time he pulled his pants up! Looks like some fun songs, and he did a great job. And he is growing up!
