August 14, 2013


We're still working on getting settled in the new house.  It's coming together though.  First things first, the kitchen has to be unpacked and in working order for life to go on.  Here are the boys eating lunch one of the first days the table was set up.

We can see the backyard from the table, so it's always fun to spot birds, squirrels, butterflies, rabbits and hummingbirds while eating lunch.

One of the first things we did after the kitchen was unpacked was make cookies. Gotta make this place smell like us! (I guess we smell like cookies?) Although I think more of this dough made it into the boy's mouths than into the oven to bake...

Derek got himself a Reel mower and is a true home-owning-lawn-mowing man again.  :)'s quite a bit of lawn to mow.

But the boys are loving all the yard!  And I like that I can see them from my kitchen window.
While I do things like sit at the table and blog.  :)

I can also see them when they go have a chat with Mr Joe, our neighbor. I keep telling him to send them home if they're talking his ear off.  But he seems to enjoy their company.  And I've sent cookies over with the boys for him and his wife Carol.  Peace offering? 

The week we moved in the boys had a couple days of runny noses.  Nothing bad at all, but I let them lay around and watch a little more tv than normal.

But they were soon up and going again.  Enjoying toys we had in storage (at Grandma's) that didn't fit in the apartment.

 Since our whole basement is the playroom.  We'll eventually set up a family room too, but for now it's pretty much toys.

And after this last weekend we have room to park the car in the garage.
Now that's getting settled for sure, right?

I got my replacement phone in the mail today.  I'm back up and running in the world of technology! Although, I must say, sixteen days without a phone is enough time to get used to not having one! Now...excuse me while I go text someone, make a phone call, and post something to Instagram.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Whew! I just spent the last two days getting caught up on your blog - it seems as though I hadn't really looked at it since May! Glad you're getting settled into your new house. What an exciting time for you all! Congrats!!
