August 12, 2013

Moving Day

We planned our closing/moving dates rather poorly.  Our moving truck was scheduled for the Saturday morning after a week of VBS at church.  So after the Friday evening program, I still had a lot of packing to do to be ready for the next morning.

 Derek was a big help wrapping things up.

And a midnight pot of coffee?  Sure!

It took us until 2:30am, but we had things ready to go by morning.

As I finished up, Derek took the boys to a friend's house who lives near the U-Haul place.

And came back without the boys and with a truck.

I didn't take as many pictures as I thought. (which we kind of laughed about when we actually recovered them off of my drowned iPhone!) I was busy loading and moving.  But we had a GREAT group of guys from our Life Group (church small group) come help. They had all helped in some way at VBS, so they'd had a long week too.
At this point, they were trying to figure out how the last of our stuff was going to fit.

And then all the sudden they worked a little magic and we were ready to go!

Until Derek realized he'd laid his jacket with all his keys, truck and house keys included, over a chair that got loaded into the truck. He had to climb in and find it.

Thankfully it was quickly located near the top and the keys were still in it!
Now we're ready!

I wanted to feed all the guys that worked so hard.  By the time I ordered pizza and headed to the house, they had the truck unloaded!!  Again, what a wonderful crew of guys willing to help us out. 

And we couldn't have asked for better weather when moving in July!

By bedtime the boys had beds to sleep in in their new room!

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