June 29, 2013

Emergency Expo

On our way home from errands one day, my boys spotted this in the parking lot of shopping center near our apartment.  I suddenly heard loud little voices from the back seat yelling about firetrucks, helicopters and police cars.  It was an emergency expo so we went to check it out.

They had TONS of emergency equipment displayed and ready for kids to climb into. 

Even the helicopter.

Cooper jumped right in and started messing with everything he could reach.

Miles asked, "Will it move?".  And even though I said no, he wouldn't get in.
He'd rather play with the cones while Cooper 'flew' the chopper.

They had fire hoses out for kids to spray.

Miles joined this one.  I guess since his feet stayed on the ground.

And he didn't hesitate to pull the "I'm little" card and cheat at the bean bag game.

Cooper sat on a police motorcycle.  Miles didn't want to. And it didn't help the fright factor when this nice officer leaned over and said something to Cooper, who then pushed the button to sound the horn. (siren!)  It made Miles and I both jump a mile.

Miles ran right up to this officer's car.

Then got in and pressed a few too many buttons!
I apologized to the officer who said he could reset it all.  oops.

That's when I threw both boys in the back seat and shut the door.  Just kidding.

Between this seat and talking to some firefighters at the grocery store recently,
Cooper says he wants to be a firefighter when he grows up.

And we finally convinced Miles to get in something!
First thing he did was fasten his seatbelt, which gave the firefighter a chuckle.
Apparently Miles was the only child all day to bother.

Perhaps he inherited my over cautious nature?

We watched the helicopter take off and headed home.

Lots of fun!

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