June 13, 2013

Co-op Days

I've mentioned our participation in a babysitting co-op with a couple other families.  We take turns watching all the kids on Wednesdays from 9am-2pm.  It's been fun to have a little time to myself when it's the other mom's turns.  It gives me time to find a quiet coffee shop and catch up on some reading... over a vanilla latte.

Or even meet Derek for lunch.

Last week was our turn to host.  One family was out of town, so it ended up we only had one extra boy at our house.  But we still had tons of fun...   They played inside for a while and then ate lunch.  We headed outside where the boys played with sidewalk chalk.

While I hijacked the outdoor faucet...

To fill some water balloons.

Then I gave them each a bucket filled with them.

Which they thought it was pretty cool.

Then I turned them loose.

Maybe too loose, they set their sites on me very quickly.

And managed to bust a balloon right in my pocket.

We also played some 'organized' games with the balloons.

One measured how far they could throw them.

After we used all 100 balloons, we cleaned up our mess.

And headed upstairs for an ice cream cone.

After some more playing and a couple rounds of
Candy Land it was time for Hayden to go home.

It was fun all the way around.

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