We've had some really nice weather. We're finally wearing summer clothes!
The boys and I decided to get out and enjoy a morning of walking around our complex.
We started by throwing rocks in the pond.
Then decided to walk some of the trails.
Kind of walk. With Miles, 'walking' means to take a few steps, then see a bug...
Smash the bug, along with fourteen of his ant friends...
And repeat every three feet.
Even Cooper was encouraging him to make a little fast time.
Mostly because he wanted to drag us out to 'the big tree' that's off the trail.
Because they wanted to check out (i.e. throw rocks in) the creek.
Which ended up being interesting because we could see the dead grass
from how high the water had been during the recent flooding.
From down here you can see just how much water came through.
It was up over that road above the bridge!
And then we slooooowly headed back down the trail.
Eventually we made it back... and still smiling!
Buildling great memories with your boys!!! Good job, Momma!!