March 15, 2013

Phone Photo Friday

(As if most of my posts aren't phone photos anymore!)

Cooper found these gems in the costume box and decided to wear them around.
...for a couple days!

We've had random weather including sunshine, big huge snowflakes,
and then sun again, all in one day. Cooper thinks snowflakes are yummy.

The boys made a rocket ship out of a box.

I later overheard this conversation:
Cooper - "Where are we?"
Miles - "In a box."
Cooper - "No, Jupiter!"

Miles loves cereal.  As soon as he wakes up he wants some.
...and he often moves onto Cooper's bowl when his is gone.

March isn't proving to be a very productive month for me.
There is a lot of basketball on tv.
Included but not limited to my Kansas Jayhawks.  Rock Chalk!!

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