March 11, 2013

Next Generation

Saturday we headed to the Bass Pro Shop for a kid's event.

What we really wanted to get in on was the catch & release pond.
We got there right at noon and there was already a looooong line.

I stood in line while the boys joined me off and on.
Derek took them to look at lures and make a craft.

An hour and a half later we were at the front of the line.

And in no time, Cooper caught a fish!

After he had his fish on the line, they shuffled him to the side where he kept
his fish in a bucket of water until it was his turn to have his picture taken.

Miles was up next at the pond.

 And got one pretty quick too!

Then his fish got to soak in the bucket...

While Cooper got his picture taken.

Miles was next, this lady was telling him what was about to happen,
I'm pretty sure he's looking at her like that because he's thinking,
"Lady, I'm a pro at this picture posing thing, just watch.".  Ha.

Except he had trouble looking at the camera instead of his fish.

And that's a wrap!

We also forgot to explain to Miles the 'release' part of a catch and release pond.
There were a few tears about having to put the fish back in the water.

We swung by the big tank to distract him before we left.  It worked.

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