February 2, 2013

Cooper is FIVE!

This boy is FIVE years old today!

He woke up yesterday and said, "One more day until my birthday!".
I said, "Yep, it's your last day to be four.".
Then Cooper said, "I've always wanted to be five, I've been four a long time!".  Ha.

Cooper is hyper excited about life.

And is all boy.

Who loves and takes care of his little brother very well.

He's getting taller by the second and trying to outgrow all his size five clothing.

Cooper has a mind of his own, but is learning to obey his parents and God.

Raising him to love and serve Jesus is the desire of our hearts.
Cooper asked Jesus into his heart during his fourth year!

It's been a year with a lot of change and Cooper
has adjusted very well and rolled with the punches.

His sweet smile, even when he's faking for one
of my million-a-year photos lights up the room.

Speaking of million-a-year photos... he posed himself for this one.
After five years of me as his Mom, he's a pro.

He's smart and loves to learn.
Please pray with us as we decide if he'll attend public school or homeschool this fall.

Life is always fun and rarely dull with this boy.


Click HERE to see the post from the day he was born.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthay, sweet boy! How well I remember that day 5 years ago. A night we slept almost as little as your mom because of our great anticipation! We love you and wish you a very happy fifth year!
