January 26, 2013


The men from our church were all going to a Peoria Rivermen hockey game. Derek signed him and Cooper up for the event (free tickets included!) just after Christmas and Cooper has been counting the days ever since. They got their tickets on Sunday morning at church and Cooper could hardly contain his excitement until the game at 5pm.

Pretty sure that made two of them.  :)
They got online to check out where their seats were going to be.

Finally it was time to go find their actual seats at the game.

Cooper saw snowcones on the way in and thought
getting one should be the first order of business.

And judging by their teeth, him and Daddy both enjoyed some.

This was a highlight for Cooper too...

And his pretzel.

His friend, Ethan, was there too.

They did watch the game.  Cooper even knew there had been only one fight.

And that the Rivermen won!

On the way out to the car a random stranger gave Cooper an official game puck!
A fun ending to a fun night!

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