December 29, 2012

Weather Forecast

The weather man said there was a chance of snow...
Cooper watched diligently for signs of it!

He (and by he I mean we) checked for flakes every little bit.

And then it started!! 

First snow of the season!

As soon as we saw it, Cooper asked to go out and play.
"I'm dressed warm" he said...

It was very windy and cold though so I didn't let him.
Miles wasn't as easily impressed when he woke up from his nap to see a little white stuff.

Later I did let Cooper go make a few footprints.

He was so happy I thought he was going to cry!

He taste tested a little too.

And the next day he went and and tromped through the little drift that had accumulated by our door.

Our breezeway is like a wind tunnel...
we didn't get much snow but it really blew around.

Cooper convinced Miles to join him in the fun.

Once Miles got out in the wind he turned around to come back in....
but his boots were already wet and he slipped.  Oops!

He decided this wasn't so bad and he should throw a snowball at Cooper.

Then they really got into it... they made the most of a little snow!

And even tried to include me.

They actually didn't last long, but had a little fun in a little snow. 

And then Derek got off work at noon and we loaded up and headed to Wichita for Christmas! Thankfully the roads were clear and dry for our trip...   Christmas posting to come!


  1. In Cooper's "I'm dressed warm" picture, he looks like he's about to hang himself! That's some tight scarf tie-ing there!

  2. I like it that Miles is determined to keep Daddy's hat on!
