December 13, 2012

'Tis the Season

Shopping trips are usually an adventure with kids in tow.  Ask anyone who has ever embarked on such a trip or anyone who has ever watched as the rest of us do.  Like the gentlemen at Gordman's the other day who laughed out loud as Cooper said, "I'm going to climb to the top of this." to which I responded, "No, you're not." And Miles then started chanting, "Do it, do it, do it, Cooper, do it!".  Things just happen that make a quick trip to the grocery store take fourteen times longer than it should.  Or Miles swings his legs in the cart at Aldi as Cooper walks to close... catching him in the nose with his foot.

Or during the 3rd potty break of the said shopping adventure, (When Miles says he needs to go I can't NOT believe him, he's still new at this.) Miles dismantles the flusher part of the toilet at Wal-Mart.  Gross.

Or Cooper asks, "Can you get a bike down so I can practice riding without training wheels"?".  "No, son, I'd like to still be allowed to shop at this Wal-Mart after today.".

Cooper goes to Awanas on Wednesday nights.  And Derek has had to work a lot of long hours lately.  So Miles and I took advantage of the time to ourselves and went to Dollar Tree to pick out a Christmas gift for Cooper.  Miles is easily distracted from the task though.

He did actually look and pick something out.

When he wasn't lounging on the floor.

Or organizing the store.
(OCD like Daddy??)

Or making faces into a hand mirror.

And yes, even a quick little game of hide and seek.
Perhaps I should let this child get out more.  Literally.  Out of the cart.  He doesn't know how to act when not confined to it.  :) 

Mission successful... in that we left with a gift anyway!
That's Miles version of an "I've been shopping smile".  He takes after his Daddy here too.

Then we went back to get Cooper.

And we were outta there!

Miles got to help wrap Cooper's gift.

And put it under the tree.

A couple days later, I took Cooper to do some shopping for Miles.

Although not  quite as distracted from the task at hand, the stores do strategically place a lot of fun little items at a child's eye level!

Another successful trip!
(Including blue candy... and blue teeth!) 

No matter who you're buying for... have fun while doing it.

We enjoy buying each other gifts during this season...  but we're most thankful for the gift of Jesus given to us to forgive our sins.  Thank you God, for giving a gift that can never be 'outdone'. 


  1. I'm exhausted just reading through this. Reminds me of taking our three we were watching last weekend to the mall.. Somehow it seems more fun now and less exhausting. Probably because we get to give them back!

    And the OCD? Mark and Alyssa have that thing too. Maybe he's got it from both sides. (one might argue that his Aunt Anna has a hint of it as well.)

  2. So cute and the shopping story reminds me of my life as a Mommy!
