December 10, 2012

North Pole

It's that time of year again...  time to head to our "North Pole".
The Bass Pro Shop!

I got in the line to see Santa while Derek took the boys to drive the race cars.

We went on a weeknight so the line wasn't long.
It was our turn to see the big man pretty quick.

Leading up to this I wasn't sure Miles would actually get on Santa's lap and pose.
But he did great.

They gave Santa their wish lists.
Although I know he misunderstood a couple items.  :)

And then Santa completely won Miles over when he gave him candy.

Cooper remembered this detail from last year and was looking forward to it!

Then we looked around at some of the other entertainment.  Laser BB Guns. 

Daddy even picked up the pink gun and played against Cooper.

Then the boys checked out a tent.

And of course we went to say Hi to the fish.

They boys also had an ulterior motive.  We got our Christmas Card from G'ma Jan & G'pa Gordie in the mail a couple weeks ago and Derek read the card out loud to us.  He read, "Here is your gift money so you can do some shopping.".  When Miles heard that he said, "I want to go shopping!".  And when asked guessed it...his reply: "Bass Pro Shop!".  So we let the boys pick out a gift from Grandma Jan while we were there.

I was pretty shocked neither of them picked one of the cork guns they always play with.

But they both found a fun toy and picked out some candy too.
They always ask... this time they got to buy some!

Cooper paid for his walkie talkies. 

And Miles paid for his play fishing set.

Then we were out of there!
Thanks Grandma Jan!

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