November 10, 2012

Cut Out Cookies

I enjoy baking... but there is almost always a point during the process of cut out sugar cookies that I wonder why I thought this mess would be so much fun.  And then we get to the tasting part and I forget I ever thought that way.

Cooper is my right hand man in the kitchen.  He's getting to be a lot of help.

And he loves this as much as I do.

We made some fall and Christmas cookies to take to our Mleynek family "Thanksmas" this weekend.

I got these tiny cookie cutters on clearance after Christmas last year.  They're so fun.  And way too easy to pop one bite size cookie in your mouth.  :-/

Cooper stuck with me through the whole process this time.
Even enjoying the smell of cookies coming out of the oven.

He couldn't wait to taste one.  He approved.

And once they cooled and Miles woke up from his nap, we went to work frosting them.

Or, uh... something like that.

I convinced Miles to at least put a little frosting on it before eating it.  He also approved.

All done and ready to go to Iowa for the weekend!

We're spending this weekend on the farm for "Thanksmas".  Then the boys and I are riding back to Wichita with Derek's parents.  We'll spend the week there and go to my little brother's wedding in ONE WEEK!!  

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