November 8, 2012

Bass Pro Bowling

On Saturday we met some friends (also Derek's co-worker) for some bowling at Bass Pro Shop's "Fish Bowl".   They don't allow reserving lanes so we put our names on the list when we got there and then killed some time.  My boys don't mind killing time at Bass Pro Shop...  at all.   They hunted a little.

And tested out some {cork} guns.

It takes at least two to make it a good cork gun fight. 
Even if only one of them is a willing participant.
(Am I right, Angie, Tiffany and Renee???)

And yes, even more guns...

Then it was our turn to bowl.

Miles needed a little help but was often heard saying, "I do it".

No help needed when it was Cooper's turn.
He even dragged that ramp out there by himself.

Cooper did have the advantage of the ramp and gutter guards, but he scored pretty good!

It's always an exciting game with ball returns like these.

We had a great time bowling and hanging with Matt & Jillian....who are very recently engaged!

1 comment:

  1. haha-oh yes, cork gun fights :)
    i had never seen the ramp thingy for bowling-so cool!
