August 31, 2012

Bunk Boys

When Cooper and I got back from our night out Daddy had a little surprise.

Cooper loved the surprise...

Cooper and Miles beds are now bunk beds!

We decided to go ahead and stack them into bunks.
The boys were thrilled and there is lot more space in their room.

Miles can't get all the way up the ladder, but we helped him up and he got goodnight kisses from Cooper.

Then they decided to play a quick game of basketball when they discovered the hoop is the perfect height when on the top bunk.

But then it was really time for bed.

And as excited as they were... they both fell asleep and slept really well.

1 comment:

  1. SO CUTE!! Bunk beds were the source of SO many great playtimes for us when we were little, I can tell they are going to have tons of fun. :)
