June 11, 2012

Finding a Fishing Pole

One of the first things we did in Peoria was check out the Bass Pro Shop. Yep...there's one here too!  It isn't even a year old, so I'm going to say that it was built just for us. :)

It's a little different than the BPS in Olathe, so it was fun to explore.

And the fish tank is bigger!

We spent a lot of time at the fish tank, the boys loved it.

And then we checked out the fishing poles.  After Cooper caught a "20 mouth bass" at Papa's pond with Jake's fishing pole he decided it was time for an upgrade.  Daddy agreed.

He tried out a few.

So did Miles.

And when I spotted this it kind of made me want my own.  Kind of.

This was the final pick.  A little upgrade, still beginner.  Perfect.

Then Mommy pulled out the garage sale earnings a paid the bill.

1 comment:

  1. So happy you didn't have to leave Bass Pro Shop behind in Kansas!! It appears to be an amusement park for your boys & free!! Yay for garage sale $ :)
