May 18, 2012

Awana Awards

Cooper's Awana year came to a close with an awards night.

My cousin, Ashley, came with us to help with the boys since Derek couldn't be there.

And of course, Cooper's buddy Brock was there!

We started with the pledge of allegiance.

 And I was thankful for Ashley keeping Miles entertained so I could take pictures.

The Cubbies came out first.
They separated Cooper and Brock but they walked in and found each other fast!

And then they lined them all up on stage.

Tried anyway...  seventy five 3 and 4 year olds is pretty much just chaos!

They did get them all up there though.  Maybe not in perfect order, but they were there.

All lined up. 

And then Cooper spotted me and waved.

And then he hugged Brock... just for good measure?

And got bored and picked his nose.

And later pointed me out to his leader.

Who kept telling him to sit still and be quiet... really to no avail.

After the Cubbies were done,
we went with Brock's family to McDonald's for ice cream and play time.
...and to run off some steam!

I didn't edit it down, but here is the video of Cooper on stage.

Cooper had a great year and loved Awanas.
I'm glad he's learning to store God's word in his heart.

1 comment:

  1. Coop is adorable. This reminds me of when Kailey took swim lessons and couldn't sit still while it was the other kids' turn with the teacher. Craig and I kept saying, "What is wrong with those 3 other kids that they just sit there and watch without moving? That's not normal!" :)
