April 24, 2012

Old Way to Play

Dad and Drew (sometimes) are working on building a
small deck around one of the trees in their back yard.

Cooper and Ethan were out back too.
And decided some rocks and a board would be fun to play with.

It reminded me of all the times my Grandpa Bauer has told us stories about "When I was a kid...we didn't have toys, we rolled an old tire around the yard".  Ha.  And apparently Cooper and Ethan were trying to be like Grandpa and not wear shoes either.  Since he was the youngest of seventeen (yes, 17) kids, the shoes were worn out by the time the hand-me-downs where his.  :)

These boys, who live in an age of toys galore and over stimulation by technology, enjoyed the games they made up with a rock and a board.  You should be proud, Grandpa!

1 comment:

  1. Love this. I remember the days when my brothers and sisters and I were young. We made up many games in the backyard and would entertain ourselves for hours with made up games. I hope my future children do that too!
