February 21, 2012

Valentine's - The Day

Because of our stomach bug, we didn't get out to run errands on the intended day. So we had to make a trip to Wal-Mart on Valentine's Day before we could make cookies.  Cookies I'd planned to make days earlier.  It's okay though, Miles was cool with it.

This was the missing ingredient.  The only thing we really needed at Wal-Mart.  And they did't have ANY on the shelf!  So we ended up at Price Chopper where we found an off brand for much cheaper than Wal-Mart's price...  I guess I'm cool with that.

Finally!  Making cookies.

Cooper's getting good at this:

Maybe soon I can hand the whole process over to him.  :)

We put them out to cool before frosting them...
it wasn't until then that Cooper realized we'd done X's and O's... hugs and kisses!  Ha.

While Cookies were cooling the boys made a Valentine Cards for Daddy,
who had been gone for work for a few days and was getting back that night.

Yep, Miles woke up from his nap in time for some card making and taste testing.

Time to frost the cookies!

I also caught Miles doing more taste testing... I guess he approves.

I prefer to wait for frosting!

Then Derek got home!  The boys gave him their cards.

And we ate heart shaped pizza.

I finished frosting the cookies the next morning.  I was also doing laundry and came back into the kitchen and found Miles was doing yet another taste test!

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