February 29, 2012

My {Other} Uncle Drew

While in Wichita Cooper had some bonding time with my brother, Drew.  Which is great because Cooper has a list of reasons he thinks Uncle Drew doesn't like him... a list of things like that he gives him bedgies (wedgies) and tickles him even when he says to stop.  So Uncle Drew won some "Good Uncle" points by hanging with Cooper. (He's the "Other Drew" or "Your Brother Drew" since Cooper has another Uncle Drew who doesn't show love via torture methods)
 They dissolved the 'medicine' and found some foam creatures inside.

And then Drew pulled this out of his bag of tricks:

They built toy cars! (Ethan's was a train)

Uncle Drew helped glue them together.

While Cooper painted.

And then they played a game of memory while the glue dried.

And under Uncle Drew's close supervision, Cooper painted his car blue.
I don't have a picture of it completed but Cooper had so much fun and loved this whole activity!

...and Uncle Drew is okay too.
Even if he later dumped Cooper out of a basket.

Or helped let him fall off the couch.

Cooper can see past these things and thinks Uncle Drew is hilarious!

1 comment:

  1. =) This one made me laugh. Uncle (nephew to me) Drew shows his love in a more ... sarcastic way. But I'm with Coop. He's kinda hilarious!
