October 27, 2011

Whirlwind Wedding Weekend

So, here's a little story about what we've been up to:
On Friday I drove to Wichita with my boys, who I left in Wichita.  I picked up my sister, Anna, and her husband when they arrived from Hawaii.  Then we drove to Topeka where Jared was in a friend's wedding.  Derek and I had already planned to go to the wedding, but decided to make a weekend of it (first time we've been without kids since Miles was born) and stay in Topeka.  Derek met me there, then went back home on Sunday while I went with Anna & Jared back to Wichita for a couple days.
Got it?  No?  Oh well, trust me, it worked out.

Jared was busy most of Saturday with wedding details like photos.  But the rest of us found a cute little place to eat lunch.  We also found a chocolate shop we visited twice!  YUM.

I had some down time with my sister, Anna.  It was fun to catch up with her.

And we then we went to the wedding.

It was a beautiful wedding with a dinner and dance to follow.
And have I mentioned we were kid-less?  It was nice to not be chasing boys around.

Derek and I with Anna and Jared:

Tyler & Lauren were there too.

Tyler was hired to shoot video at the wedding and Derek helped.
So these guys worked a lot through the evening.

But there was a lot of fun going on.

Jared needed a partner for a dance he was 'forced' to participate in.  When he discovered his wife was in the restroom, Derek offered to step in until she returned.

These guys played basketball together in high school.

Congratulations, Tim & Asha!

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