October 5, 2011

Pooped Coop

Once again, Cooper made a huge mess of his room while playing.  Miles was napping and Cooper was to clean up his room.  I was downstairs and realized it was suddenly very quiet up there.  I went to Cooper's room and didn't see him, then looked across the hall to my room and didn't see him there either.  I called for him and he didn't answer... 

Then I looked around a little harder.  What's this?

There he is!  In the toy box...

Fast asleep!!

I moved him to his bed and when he woke up I asked him how he fell asleep in there.
He said he just wanted to.  Maybe it started by playing in the toy box?


  1. So cute! I will never quite understand the need to get every single toy out while playing. :)

  2. Love it! We have pictures of the boys falling asleep in funny places too!
