September 23, 2011

Birthday & Cake

Happy Birthday, Jonah!  He is officially ONE today!

Back to the party when we celebrated...  we had cake.
Please don't laugh.  :)
We were in a hurry and we're not experts.  It was a fun theme though!

We had cake for Trey too!

About this time these guys were wondering what the big deal was.

And then Grandma lit the candles.

And we sang Happy Birthday!

And let them dig in.

It was a big crowd.  Maybe even a little paparazzi like.

The birthday boys don't mind the crowd... YUMMY cake.

They were a bit messy by the end.  That's the point though, right?

This seemed the best way to take care of the mess.

All cleaned up, the party continued.

And the playing.  (Matching jammies were gifts from Aunt Sarah and family)

Miles practiced his walking skills too.  Here he comes!

And back to Aunt Mikiah!

Thanks to our family who came to celebrate our boys.  It was a nice evening.