We live in a split level house. We have a LOT of stairs.
Five of these short little staircases, to be exact.
And since we have so many stairs, I started working with
Miles on how to navigate them as soon as he started crawling.
Going up is no problem... in fact he's fast!
How to get back down is just a little trickier though.
But my constant reminder to turn around is starting to sink in.
He puts his little toe off the edge and gets turned.
Sometimes a little encouragement from his big brother is needed.
And maybe an example or two.
But once he gets himself turned around he can back down the stairs fairly well.
I may or may not have used my phone to convince him to come on down.
And he made it!
It's a sigh of relief to me when I don't have to be quite as cautious around the stairs.
With lots of practice, Miles is improving every day.
Of course if I'm anywhere near he would rather just have me carry him.
I'm okay with that and I can't resist those chubby little hands reaching for me!
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