August 16, 2011

Park It Over There

Derek was gone one evening last week so I took the boys out and did some drug store hopping.  (I enjoy a good drug store game) After we scored nearly free diapers, we went to the park.  We went to a park we've never been to before, it was a castle!

Cooper liked the curly slide:

Miles had fun trying to climb this little slide:

Then they were both on the same slide and I thought it would be fun to get a photo.

Take One:

Take Two: 

Take Three: 

Okay, forget it!  Lets go swing before we go home.


  1. My boys would love that castle park! Super cool!

  2. That park looks INCRED!!! I want to go there!! How have you never discovered that or been there before! How did you score free diapers! I love getting bargains at the store with coupons!!!
