August 1, 2011

Family Camp '11

Last week Cooper, Miles and I went to family camp at Timberlakes.
I loaded the car, buckled the boys into their car seats and we were ready to go...
Except the car wouldn't start!  Thankfully Ben was still at our house and he took the battery out, took it to get tested, sure enough, it was DEAD.  So he picked up a new one and put it in for me.   Ben saved the day!  We were delayed a couple of hours, but we were soon again on our way to camp.

Where we saw Cooper's Uncle Drew, Uncle Trey, Aunt Mik, Grandma Debbie, Grandpa Secor and we shared a room with the Rouses!  We had lots of FUN!  
Speaking of fun, this picture cracks me up.
I didn't do a good job of taking pictures, so I got some from Angie and Debbie.
I'm not sure who took this one, but they cut Cooper's head off... ha ha ha.

Cooper loves having Uncles around... Trey gave Cooper a lift.

And Jaedyn had a great time with Mikiah and Abree.

Miles and Jonah did great and were troopers.
It was 100º everyday and they didn't seem to mind.

One afternoon they rented this inflatable slip-n-slide for the kids:

Coop and Jaedyn waiting for their turn to race:

Usually the littler ones needed a bit of a push to get going.

But all the kids loved it.

....and the teenagers!

We also went swimming every day... it was 100º after all.

Derek came out for part of one day.

The cousins had fun being roommates.

Even a movie is more fun with cousins.

Or a little bedtime snack!

Maybe it was the heat and we weren't thinking clearly... did I mention it was 100º?
We didn't even get a picture with Grandpa Secor.
We'll see him again soon though since we're all headed to my cousin, Tyler's, wedding this week!  I'll try to do better taking pictures this time!

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