Happy 11 Months to Miles today!
Still a happy guy, his personality is showing up more and more.
He likes to smile and laugh.
Even in the midst of teething... it's been a little rough on him this month.
Two of his top teeth are through, off to the side... ha.
The next front tooth is coming very soon though.
He's a big boy and growing like crazy, I think he's trying to catch up with Cooper.
He eats about as much as Cooper does.
He eats about as much as Cooper does.
He's starting to stand up on his own. Just a little.
Cooper turned 3 1/2 on August 2nd.
I measured him the other day and discovered he's grown over an inch since May 11th!
He's a great big brother, these guys are already good friends.
Wow Miles - you are getting so big!! Love the pic of his new teeth :)