December 16, 2010

Mleynek Moments - Seeing Secors X

We headed home on Sunday. When we arrived there was snow {{kind of}} covering the yard!
Cooper borrowed Daddy's gloves because he wanted to make a snowball:

Off he went to round up some snow:

He tried but the snow wouldn't stick:

He was happy just to make footprints in it though:

And take a glove off to touch it:

Miles was excited to be back home in his bed:

It was a nice little covering to make things white:

But nothing like the 30 inches Uncle Mark & Aunt Julie went home to!
They actually had a little trouble getting home because of the weather.
That resulted in getting home a day late and spending Alyssa's 17th Birthday on the road.
Sorry the trip ended that way for you, but thanks for making the trip Secors! We loved seeing you!

:::This concludes the "Seeing Secors" Mleynek Moments series:::

1 comment:

  1. We were happy we got to come. The good thing about 30 inch snow falls is that everyone else has to stop too, so getting home a day late doesn't mean getting behind! And Alyssa enjoyed room service in bed at the Marriot for her birthday. It was kind of fun! But her real present was being with all of your kids for the weekend. We are still talking about it!
