December 14, 2010

Mleynek Moments - Seeing Secors V

Uncle Mark & Aunt Julie are brave...
They proved this by taking all the kids to Toys R Us to pick out a toy.
(Mom went along to get photographic evidence of the process)

In they went...

Checking out all the options:

Some of them narrowed it down to one item pretty quick:

Others took a little more time:

And some were very indecisive.

Ethan got a Thomas Train:

Cooper was still looking:

Jaedyn got a doll to doctor:

And Cooper, after a final pass through the store, decided on a train also... time to check out!

Thanks for the toys, Uncle Mark & Aunt Julie.

The kids had so much fun. Cooper is watching me post this and said, "I want to go back there."!


  1. I love it. I love how thorough the documentation was on this entire trip. Who thinks to get a before shot outside the store afteryou pile out of the van? Genius. Just a few comments:

    1. LOVE that jaedyn is wearing a long pearl necklace to the store with ap ink watch. She looks so pleased with herself.

    2. Really getting a kick of how Josiah's throwing up the thumbs up in pictures now.

    3. So hilare that Cooper is holding Uncle Mark's hand (should probably have said "his Uncle Mark's hand" but at this point, we're all family right? haha) while he is searching for toys, as if he doesn't want him to leave while he peruses every single toy on that bottom shelf. haha!

    4. can you post a video of cooper saying stuff like "I want to go back there!"? Really would love to hear him say biz like that.

  2. Almost all of this shopping trip was a hoot!...... Almost!
