November 13, 2010

Sleepy Fall Mornings

Getting Cooper to eat breakfast, I often say, is like pulling teeth.
But this he loves:

Yay for oatmeal! He ate a whole bowl and asked for more! In the morning.

Miles enjoys cool fall mornings too.
Cooper thought he needed his little lamb under his arm:

What's that?

Of course, you need another nap? Probably another growth spurt.
You need to completely fill out that 6 month size sleeper you're wearing!


  1. 6 months?! Miles, don't grow so fast. I can't wait to see you with your cousin again. You two make quite a pair :)

  2. That 6 month sleeper fits really well. Maybe 9 month winter outfits are a better idea!!

    I love oatmeal too Cooper!! Yours looks healthier than mine cause I like half 'n half & sugar on mine.

  3. A 6 mo. sleeper?? Mama must have some nutritious milk!

  4. I've been enjoying oatmeal for breakfast too since it's gotten cold!
