September 30, 2010

Mleynek Moments - Aloha Anna VIII

We stayed at Derek's parents house while in Wichita.
So Miles got lots of kisses:

Both boys had fun playing with Aunt Mal:

And Aunt Mik:

Uncle Trey:

Uncle Drew:

And Grandma:
Debbie is a wonderful Grandma! (and Mother-in-Law)
I don't think I ever mentioned that along with being at our house while I was in labor...
and taking care of Cooper the whole time we were in the hospital...
she cleaned up the mess on my bed after my water broke and did ALL of my laundry.
(Sorry if that grosses anyone out! :)

Cooper helped fix dinner:

And took a little dip with Aunt Mikiah:

Then he needed a bath in Grandma's jacuzzi tub. He loves bubble baths!

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