September 18, 2010

The Farm

The day after Labor Day Cooper and Derek went to "The Farm"
(Deanna Rose Farmstead) with some of the family members that were still in town.

Grandma Jan & Grandpa Gordie, Zella and Cooper:

The Dads made the pedal tractors go faster by pushing:

And Cooper got to ride a horse!

And, Cooper's favorite, he went fishing!!

With some help from Daddy:

He was proud of this fish... and that he threw it back himself.

Cooper had a great time and asks every day to go back and go fishing.
We'll try to fit in another trip while Derek is off work.

1 comment:

  1. Cooper, your cousin Tyler loves to fish. Maybe you could come see us some time and go fishing with Tyler. He would like that a lot.

    P.S. Bring Miles with you!
