June 23, 2010

New Moves

You've seen the "Shim Sham"... Cooper did it many times for his cousins last week
and even taught them some of the moves. Then they returned the favor and taught
him their favorite dance: "The Hoedown Throwdown".


  1. I had to limit the boys to two viewings this morning...I know we'll be watching this a lot! ;)

  2. Hey Amy - I'd love to watch this but am at work & don't want to confess to blog surfing :) I'll watch it when I get home - can't wait!

    Did you see the new picture of the kids I uploaded to the banner on our blog page? It messed up the title, etc. Can you fix it for me? Thanks.

  3. Okay - finally got a chance to watch this & I laughed out loud. I love Jake's ninja-shirtless approach to the dance. He was doing his own thing until that final slide. Too funny. Looks like fun with cousins for Cooper!!

  4. I'm going with Joe when I decide to seriously learn the Hoedown Throwdown!
