February 20, 2010

Mail Call

Cooper gets more mail than I do! :) He loves it!

He got a package from Grandma Cheri this week. (A Valentine)

Daddy had to help him get it started:

Then he tore right in to see what was inside:

A sticker book:

And suckers!!

Thank You, Grandma!


  1. "Baby Mleynek...only 200 more days to go"...
    I enjoy being pregnant, but I am not sure that I ever said that I ONLY had 200 days to go! :)
    I know you will enoy every one of those 200 days, maybe even less...like 195, you know it is baby number two, you might get a treat of an earlier baby?! Or maybe at least not two days of labor this time!

  2. I meant enjoy, not enoy (didn't want it to sound like annoy!)
