November 4, 2009

"Daddy's Work"

Derek works in the Media Services Department of a large bank. They had a big sales event to set up for yesterday and then run today. It was being held at the Hyatt downtown and since he would be there so late setting up (it ended up being after 3:30am) they got him a room at the hotel. So Cooper and I went down and spent the night.

We had a good view of downtown Kansas City from our room on the 22nd floor:

Cooper didn't care as much about it at night, but in the morning he was fascinated watching the cars, trucks and buses below. At one point a helicopter flew by at just about eye level! Cooper was very excited!

Early in the evening we were with Derek in a huge room they were setting up. (I didn't have my camera.) Cooper loved running, running and running. So once we went back to our room we did a lot of this...

Even though Derek was working for most of it - we had a good time.


  1. Wow! I'm really glad Derek's work has enough mercy to get him a room when he works til 3AM. That is better than a drive home and back in a few short hours. Looks like Mommy and Cooper made the best of it even though Derek was very busy!

  2. How fun for you. I like those little perks that we wives get to enjoy!

  3. That's a nice treat for all of you. The 22nd floor is really up there. We love the pics of Cooper in his footy jammies. Those are fun years!

  4. Hey Amy! It's Jess Jackson..everyone in awhile I check out your blog via your myspace page. I was looking at this post and thought that view looked I looked at my facebook photos from my KC trip in May and it looks like I was just a floor or two above where you stayed at the Hyatt. It's a nice hotel!
