August 3, 2009

A Little Organization

We're doing some organizing today. Cooper thinks organizing is fun! I don't enjoy it as much and it's obvious by the condition of my cupboards. September will be three years living in our house, thats the longest we've lived anywhere in our seven years (in September) of marriage. Usually I'd have packed up my kitchen and moved by now... it was time to organize!

Cooper has been watching a little Blues Clues on and off while I work...

Part of the time from this seat:

Happy Monday!


  1. Girlie! You just bring that yummy little fella over to my house, he and I will watch a little blues clues and you can organize my cabinets!! It doesn't get any better after 18 years!

  2. You have cabinets like mine under my bar countertop. It's a whole open space under there! I is so hard to maintain order when they are like that. You've done a great's the cabinet's fault!
