July 13, 2009

Another Big Weekend

We drove back to Iowa over the weekend to attend a Mleynek family reunion.
It was a good weekend with family we haven't seen for a long time and some we've never met before.
It was also educational! We learned a lot about the Mleynek family history.
We saw pictures of Derek's Great, Great, Great Grandparents and went to a cemetery where
there are gravestones with the original Czech spelling 'Mlejnek' on them.

We also had a lot of fun! Cooper learned how to play croquet.
Uncle Drew helped him at first then Cooper went to it.
You'd best be standing back a few feet when Cooper is swinging!

This is our immediate family that made it to the reunion:

Derek's Grandparents, Grandma Neva (Nee Nee) and Grandpa Don:

My sweet boys :::sigh::: I love them!

Cooper spent a lot of time on the four wheeler again! He LOVES it.

He also loves Grandma Debbie ...and Blue! :)

Cooper also enjoyed making some noise.... I mean music.

Mikiah and her twin cousins Michelle & Miranda. Three goofy girls!

Cooper chased doggies around.

And Uncle Drew showed him some cows. Uncle Drew is Cooper's buddy!

Cooper really gets excited about cows!

Until he got too close. He didn't enjoy petting the cow with Grandpa Dale and Uncle Darrin.

He did enjoy petting this bunny though:

Cooper ended his evening eating Aunt Mikiah's ice cream. What a great day!


  1. Looks like a fun weekend. Family reunions are so much fun! Cooper's little feet in those flip flops are adorable!
