June 9, 2009

Monkey Shorts

At least a year ago, I purchased these cute little monkey shorts at Dollar Tree - $1.07 - for Jade :)

They've been waiting for him in his closet and finally fit him. And as I mentioned in the previous post, we haven't turned the air on yet. So it's been warm enough for him to wear them to bed.

Here he is after he woke up in the morning... playing the piano in his monkey shorts:

And running from me while carrying the piano (in his monkey shorts):

And making sure he doesn't miss any doggies that might be walking by (in his monkey shorts):


  1. I need a puppy sitter on the 19th. Is Cooper interested? Getting Tucker down there might be a trick, but I'm sure he's fine with Cooper wearing monkey shorts while they hang out together.

  2. Holy cow!! I can't believe you haven't turned your air on yet! Ours has been on for weeks, but I can't stand the heat. Once it's over 80 degrees out, it's too hot for me! We were in Baldwin City on Sunday which is north of Ottawa and it was miserable hot!! How have you survived?
